Cerfp Decon
cerfp decon wallpaper19 Pax 200 Pax KEY CHARACTERISTICS. Everyone wants to keep learning.
The CERFP does as well and is made up of five elements of specialistsThese elements include command and control search and extraction and mass decontamination teams staffed primarily by the.

Cerfp decon. As soon as this mission started it helped with cohesion. Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear and high-yield Explosive or CBRNE Enhanced Response Force Package or CERFP. Incidents the HRF and CERFP alerts recalls and deploys critical command and control and life-saving capabilities within six hours.
The Search and Extraction element and Decontamination element is assigned to The Army National Guard 1st 65th Infantry BN and the Medical element is assigned to an Air National Guard. The CERFPs are part of the National Guard package created to assist local incident commanders with the National Guard as the first military responder in either a state role or a federal role. CERFP GSA Army Vehicles C2 19 PAX DECON 75 PAX SE 50 PAX MED 47 PAX FSRT 11 PAX 4x F350 F450 2x Climate Cargo Trailers 2x Flatbed Trailers 3x ATVs 3x F350s 1x Cargo Trailer 1x C2 Trailer 1x Climate Cargo Trailer 1x Bus 6x F350s 1x F450 or F750.
Responds to chemical biological radiological nuclear or high yield explosive CBRNE incident and assists local state and federal agencies in conducting consequence management by providing capabilities to conduct patient decontamination emergency medical services and casualty search and extraction. A primary Increment Monitor and alternate Increment Monitor. The Command and Control team directs the overall activities of the CERFP and coordinates with the Joint Task Force-State JTF-State and the incident commander.
1 of 1 Service members conduct decontamination during the joint force exercise Arctic Eagle 2020 in Alaska. HRF and CERFP alerts recalls and deploys critical Command and Control C2 and lifesaving capabilities within six hours. All DECON members trained and certified to the HAZMAT Operations Level CFR 1910-120 NFPA 472.
Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear High Yield Explosive CBRNE Enhance Response Force Package CERFP MissionOn order NY CERFP deploys in response to a Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear or High Yield Explosive CBRNE incident within the United States and its territories in order to support civil authorities by providing casualty search extraction decontamination operations and emergency medical services. The Indiana National Guard is participating alongside numerous civilian and federal agencies with approximately 900 other Air and Army National Guard members from 15 states Feb. On order the HRFs and CERFPs redeploy to home station once life saving mission is complete.
A senior non-commissioned officer may be appointed 2. National Guard Homeland Response Force HRF SecDefhasapprovedtheimplementationofaplantorestructuretheCCMRFswhich includesanintegratedstateresponsecapabilitybasedontheCSTsCERFPsandthestand upof10NGRegionalHomelandResponseForcesHRFsoneperFEMAregional. A primary Unit Movement Officer UMOUnit Deployment Manager UDM and an alternate UMOUDM.
The Airmen are part of the Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear and Explosive Enhanced Response Force Package CERFP an Army and Air National Guard joint-force unit consisting of search and extraction decontamination medical facilities search and rescue elements and Joint Incident Site Communications Capability command and control. Daniel Moore part of the CERFPs decontamination element. JTF-CERFP WA CERFP FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JTF CERFP Equipment Specialized Equipment SPEARRs Medical Supplies and Formulary Extraction Equipment Live-feed Camera video audio to search rescue Level C Personal Protective Ensembles JSLIST M40 and PAPR Protective Masks CasualtyPatient Decontamination Sets.
Each unit HRF CERFP CSTWMD FSRT DRMKT commander and element C2 SE DECON MED CSE commander will appoint in writing. Search and extraction decontamination medical and command and control. The CERFP is comprised of four elements staffed by personnel from already established National Guard units.
In 2004 the National Guard stood up 12 CERFPs. CBRNE Enhanced Response Force Packages CERFP are an initiative of the United States National Guard designed to integrate existing national guard units into the broader federal and local civilian emergency response personnel in instances of chemical biological radiological nuclear and explosive CBRNE disasters. Medicals tents are different from decons side and decon is different from search and extraction.
Conducts casualty search and extraction rescue operations Extracts non-ambulatory victims Lifts and moves structural debris and heavy items using chains ropes and specialized jacks Uses mission equipment and lumber materials to build shoring to support the sides of a collapse structure and prevent cave-ins. On order deploys and conducts command and control search and extraction mass casualty decontamination and medical stabilization in order to save lives and mitigate human suffering. On order HRFs and CERFPs deploy and conduct C2 search and extraction mass casualty decontamination and medical stabilization in order to save lives and mitigate human suffering.
CERFP 17 units 3451 personnel - 203 personnel - C2 SearchExtraction - Decontamination TriageStabilization Fatality Search and Recovery Joint Incident Site JISCC-6 hours State Response Defense Response HRF 10 units 5830 personnel - 583 personnel - C2 - SearchExtraction - Decontamination - Triage Stabilization - Fatality Search.